Aged Care Near Me
As our loved ones grow older, proper care becomes a priority for both comfort and safety. Whether it is an assisted living facility that helps promote socialization and independence or an in home nurse, aged care can look a bit different for everyone. Looking for aged care in your local area?
Simply browse aged care near me on the map below and find a list of aged care facilities or aides within your region. Need a bit more information on aged care or caring for aging adults? Keep reading for facts, trivia, and more. You’ll walk away with the knowledge you need to truly care for those who are aging in your life.
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Aged Care Near Me – Trivia
How many caregivers exist in the United States?
One of the fastest growing trends in aged care is what are known as “caregivers.” Caregivers can be a family member, trusted friend, or even a medical professional such as a nurse or nurses aide. Just how many caregivers currently exist in the United States? Keep reading for the answer as you search aged care near me. According to a 2009 study conducted by the National Alliance for Caregiving and MetLife insurance, there are more than 65.7 million caregivers in the United States.
That quickly adds up to around 30% of all American households having at least one primary caregiver present in the family. Due to rising costs in healthcare, many family members are now tasked as being the primary caretakers for aging parents and adults, often at the cost of their own health or finances. Getting older often means doing for others what they had done for us as children or in the past.

Aged care helps to make day to day life easier for aging elders.
How many seniors suffer from a chronic health condition?
One of the major reasons why a person would require elder care is due to a chronic health condition. Having a chronic health condition can make day to day tasks that much more impossible for an aging adult. It can also add financial stress and other factors that may impact their overall well being. Just how many seniors are estimated to suffer from a chronic health condition. Consider this as you search aged care near me. According to US Census data, a whopping 80% of all seniors report having at least one chronic health condition. Half report having at least two chronic health conditions.
What exactly qualifies as a chronic health condition in seniors? The most common conditions amongst seniors are: arthritis, diabetes, and hypertension. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis are also often present in aging adults. Managing chronic conditions isn’t always easy, but it is possible thanks to home care systems and professional care providers. For seniors who want care in or out of the home, there are aged care companies that can cater to either choice.
Aged Care Near Me – Facts
Beyond the Nursing Home
Though nursing home care is still a great option for seniors who can no longer live on their own, it is not necessarily the most popular choice. How many seniors actually reside in nursing homes? According to the US Census Bureau, just 5% of the 65+ population occupy nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and board-and-care-homes. That number jumps wildly amongst those aged 95 and older. It is estimated that 50% of those above age 95 live in a nursing home. The question is, if not a nursing home, what kind of aged care are people using?
As mentioned above, more and more families are choosing to become caregivers for aging relatives and parents rather than placing them in a nursing home. The greatest reason being the overall cost of a nursing home or assisted living facility. Often times, families simply cannot afford to pay for a nursing home and many insurances do not cover this large financial obligation.
Even though caregiving can be quite stressful (most report feeling 4 out of 5 on the stress scale), it still offers them the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones, comfort them, and save resources. While searching aged care near me, consider life beyond the nursing home.
The Cost of Assisted Living
Assisted living can be the perfect option for some families as can a room in a nursing home. Skilled nurses, social interaction, and a caring staff all make for an environment that can foster wellbeing. Yet, assisted living and nursing home costs are on the rise. How much can you expect to pay per month for nursing home care? Consider this as you search aged care near me.
According to statistics, the cost of assisted living nationally averages $119 per day, $3,628 per month and $43,536 per year. The average annual costs for nursing home care are between $82,128 and $92,376. The cost is high due to the level of care and maintaining the facility itself. Though quite high, some elders can qualify for subsidies or help from programs designed to keep seniors living well. Others may benefit from Medicare or health insurance, especially if living in a nursing home is deemed medically necessary.
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