Barber Shops Near Me
Since the paleolithic area, men have been looking to the services of a barber to cut their hair, get a close shave, and even get a back massage. While the original barbers in history also performed surgery, shaving, bloodletting, and even leaching; services now are much more mild and refined. Thankfully, not many barbers are practicing fire cupping while preparing for shave.
If you’re looking for a relaxing haircut in a low key environment, the barber shop is the place for you. Are you interested in finding a barber shop in your area? Simply search barber shop near me and find the closest barber shop to your location. Need a bit more information on barber shops? Read on for facts, trivia, and a list of the top barber shops in the US below!
Barber Shops Near Me – Find it on the Map
Barber Shops Near Me – Barber Shops Trivia
True or false: The original barber pole represented blood, pain, and the services offered by a barber.
True! While searching barber shop near me, you may be hoping to find a shop that still features a traditional barber pole in the front. While these poles tend to have nostalgic meaning in the modern day, their history wasn’t always so squeaky clean. In the 1600s, barber shop poles signified the variety of bloody and often grim services a barber was willing to offer. Since the Roman Catholic Church believed that any kind of surgery violated the Holy Spirit’s temple (the human body), citizens relied on barbers to perform surgical procedures and blood lettings. Barbers at this time also helped lance boils, set breaks, and amputate limbs. They also performed a procedure in which a hole is drilled into a person’s head in order to free them of mental illness.

A modern barber shop in Seattle, Wa. While many shops still feature an old school aesthetic, they offer modern amenities.
True or false: The word barber actually translates to beard.
True! While the actually job of a barber may have been skewed throughout much of history, it all boils down to hair cutting and the beard. In fact, the word barber is actually derived from the Latin word “barba” meaning beard. In early ages, beards represented strength, manhood, and wisdom.
Where is the world’s oldest surviving barber shop located?
If you’re searching barber shops near me, you may be wondering just where the world’s oldest barber shop still exists. Well in quite fitting fashion, the oldest surviving original barber shop is Truefitt and Hill in London. The shop was established in 1805. Since it’s inception, the shop has opened locations in 8 countries including South Korea, Canada, India, Thailand, USA, Singapore, Malaysia and Azerbaijan. The shop offers professional haircuts and a variety of men’s grooming services.
True or false: A barber’s razor is mentioned in the old testament.
True! If you’re searching barber shops near me, then you’re searching one of the oldest professions in the world. According to historians, the barber’s razor was mentioned in the Old Testament when God instructed the prophet Ezekiel to “take a sharp sword and use it as a barber’s razor to shave your head and your beard.” This makes a barber one of the oldest jobs in the world!
Barber Shops Near Me – Barber Shops Facts
The First Blow To Barber Shops
While searching barber shops near me, you may be wondering how this service has seemed to decline a bit in the past few decades. The first blow to the modern barber shop happened way back in 1904 when Gillette began mass marketing its innovative safety razor. Gillette touted the razor as a man’s greatest companion, an economical and convenient way to shave without visiting the barber shop. Men took notice and safety razors count on. The US even issued safety razors to infantrymen during World War 1. After coming home from the war, many soldiers decided to ditch the straight razor and trips to the barber shop altogether. Many men started treating the barber shop as a special treat rather than a weekly ordeal.
The Modern Appeal Of Barber Shops
In searching barber shops near me, you probably already understand the appeal of the barber shop. For one thing, barbers know better than anyone how to cut a man’s hair. While unisex salons will do the trick for a quick cut, a barber actually knows how to cut a man’s hair according to texture, hair growth, thickness, and natural wave or lack there of. Barbers know how to cut a man’s hair in the same way a manicurist knows how to trip and shape a woman’s nails.
The Top Three Barber Shops in the US
If you find yourself in the vicinity of one of these top barber shops while searching barber shops near me, consider yourself in for a treat. Not only are these shops known for their amazing services, but they know how to pamper their clients.
1. Belmont Barber Shop, Chicago, IL
This barber shop offers trademark haircuts and styles for a mere $17. They also give clientele the opportunity to flip through comic books and sip on coffee while waiting in this vintage style barber shop.
2. Ben’s Barbers, New York, NY
Ben’s Barbers is known for its laid back style, unfussy digs, and easy going atmosphere. They’re also known for their $14 cuts in the land of $90 haircuts that is Manhattan.
3. Sloane Square Barber Shop, Miami, FL
Sloane Square is known for plush and luxurious digs and a complimentary bar. With sophisticated scissor cuts and deeply relaxing chairs. This barber shop will feel as relaxing as it is restorative.