Bike Trails Near Me
There are few forms of exercise that are more engaging and adventurous as riding a bike on a designated trail. Not only do these trails tend to offer physical challenges to help you up your game and improve, but they’re often very scenic and end in places that are well worth the journey.
Are you interested in finding bike trails near you? Simply browse bike trails near me on the map below and find a comprehensive list of designated bike trails located in close proximity to your current location. Need a bit more information on bike trails? Read on for interesting facts, trivia, and more on biking!
Bike Trails Near Me – Find it on the Map
Bike Trails Near Me – Bike Trails Trivia
When did individuals first start trail or mountain biking?
You may think that trail biking came first, after all, trails likely existed before paved roads. Strangely enough, old model bicycles weren’t equipped to handle off road conditions until 1896. This is when one of the first examples of a bicycle modified for trail use was implemented in the expedition of the Buffalo Soldiers from Missoula, Montana to Yellowstone.
The Swiss military employed their first off road bike regiment in 1891. By the early 1900s bicycles were ridden off road by racing cyclists who used a cyclo-cross as a way of keeping fit during the long winter months. Eventually, the cyclo-cross became a sport in its own right, finding massive popularity in the 1940s.
The first world championship for cyclo-cross took place in 1950. Between 1951 and 1956, the French Velo Cross Club grew to include around twenty one young cyclists, all of whom were born on the outskirts of Paris. This is where modern mountain biking is said to have originated and taken the form we know and love today. In the United Kingdom, the Rough Stuff fellowship which was established in 1955 also helped to grow the sport of off road cycling.
In the US, individuals in Oregon began to build rough terrain trails and eventually created a bicycle in 1966 that ws designed to handle the trail conditions. It was dubbed a “mountain bicycle” after its intended place of use. As you search bike trails near me, consider how the actions of a few people helped to grow the sport and act of biking on a trail.

Knowing your level of expertise is key in finding the right bike trail.
True or false: Trail etiquette states that wheels yield to heels.
Something you must always consider when searching bike trails near me is proper trail etiquette. It may seem pretty straightforward, but many trails have a list of rules that must be followed to ensure the safety of everyone using the trail. One of the most common rules of thumb on a multi-use trail is that “wheels always yield to heels.”
This means that individuals on bike must yield to those on foot and must also be aware of their speed. While on a nature trail, nearly every person or thing you encounter will be moving at a slightly different speed and be using the trail for a different reason. Parents with children and individuals with pets will always be moving a bit slowly. Nature photographers and those looking to take in the sights will often be practically motionless.
With this varied mix of speeds, you need to understand where you fit in and whom to yield to when out on the trail. If you’re not on a “bike only” trail, you will always have to yield to those on foot and keep an eye out on your speed. Of course, many individuals on foot will often step aside and let you pass if they see you coming. Trail courtesy makes a better day for all.
Bike Trails Near Me – Bike Trails Facts
Mountain Trail Safety
Before you search bike trails near me, you’ll need to consider trail safety. Preparing yourself for any and every situation is the key to a flawless run. Whether you’re a seasoned trail biker o just getting started, trail safety should be your first priority. Safety always starts with having the right skills and physical stamina to handle the trail you’re going to be riding. Most trails are rated easy, moderate, hard, or expert.
Don’t embark on a hard or expert trail in an attempt to challenge yourself if you’re not an experienced rider. Many of these trails contain a lot of challenges that only a rider with years of experience and physical conditioning can safely endure. If you’re not sure of your skill level, stick to easy. If you’ve been riding for a few years and are confident in but not looking for a challenge, moderate should give you everything you’re looking for in a trail ride. Always study the map of a trail you’re going to be riding on prior to heading out.
Know what terrain challenges may present themselves and how long the trip itself might take. You don’t want to get caught out after dark on a difficult trail in an unfamiliar area. This will also prevent you from being unprepared for a steep incline, tricky terrain, or getting lost. Once you’ve established your skill level, studied the trail, you’re just about ready to hit the trails. Now you must check your equipment and safety gear. Make sure that you’re bike is in good working condition and that your helmet properly fastens.
Also ensure that the type of bike you’re using is good for the type of trail you’ll be riding on. Of course, always check the weather before heading out. If there is a chance of thunder or severe storms, stave off until you know you’re in the clear. Part of having an enjoyable trail riding experience is being prepared and knowing what you’re getting into. After those things are established, you can always have a worry free ride!
Pick the Right Bike
If you’re going mountain biking or searching bike trails near me, you’re going to need the right type of bike. Mountain bikes can range anywhere in price from around $300 to as much as $5,000 depending on your need and the type of bike. More expensive bikes are designed for very serious riders, as they are made with higher quality materials such as premium steel or aluminum. They also offer more accessories and the ability to tinker and fine tune if that’s your thing. Mountain bikes come in several styles depending on where you’re planning to use them.
Types of bikes include: cross country bikes, downhill bikes, dirt jump bikes, free ride bikes, full suspension bikes, and hardtail bikes. If you’re not sure which bike is for you, do some research prior to hitting a store. Of course, if you visit a proper bike shop, the employees can likely point you in the right direction and guide you in choosing the perfect bike for your individual needs.