Burlington Near Me
For the budget savvy consumer, Burlington coat factory is a mecca for quality low priced goods from top of the line designers. Whether you’re looking for clothing, home goods, kitchen supplies, or even footwear, Burlington has got you covered with a massive selection of top notch products.
Are you interested in finding a Burlington near you? Simply browse Burlington near me on the map below and find a list of Burlington locations in your area. Need a bit more information on Burlington coat factory? Read on for facts, trivia, and information on the Burlington brand!
Burlington Near Me – Find it on the Map
Burlington Near Me – Burlington Trivia
When was Burlington Coat Factory founded?
If you’re searching Burlington near me, you may be wondering where this shopping mecca first got its start. Like so many businesses of this nature, it all began with a simple idea and a little bit of ingenuity. Burlington was formed and incorporated in 1972 when a firecracker named Henrietta Milstein convinced her husband Monroe that it would be in their best interest to purchase a former factory outlet in Burlington, New Jersey. The property was listed at $675,000. Though the number seemed high, Henrietta had saved most of the money she had earned at her jobs a librarian and was able to successfully make a $75,000. At the time Henrietta purchased Burlington, Monroe and his father Abe had been running a successful retail outerwear business together. Because of this the first Burlington initially sold coats and jackets wholesale. In order to become less dependent on the seasonal coat business, the brand began to offer clothing items, accessories, and housewares.

Burlington locations are vast, roomy, and typically offer plenty of parking.
What is the number one priority at all Burlington stores?
While searching Burlington near me, consider what this brand puts above all else. According to the brands website, the number one priority for all Burlington stores is value. Through strategic purchasing, they strive to offer the latest in designer clothing, accessories, baby products, shoes, and home furnishings for a great price that anyone can afford. By making value a priority, Burlington has grown into a national retail chain that offers current, high quality, designer merchandise at prices that are up to 65% off of the sticker price. This means that every income level has access to great high quality bargains at a fraction of the price they’d sell for elsewhere.
How does Burlington sell goods so cheap?
Consider this while searching Burlington near me. Burlington Coat Factory is able to sell goods for such a low price because many of the items that they receive are overstock products, returns, or merchandise that is specially designed for Burlington stores. Burlington also has a lower overhead than most businesses and doesn’t spend a great deal on marketing or advertising. They instead rely on word of mouth marketing campaigns.
Burlington Near Me – Burlington Facts
The Warm Hearts Warm Coats Drive
Here’s something wonderful to consider while searching Burlington near me. Perhaps you’d even like to participate. In 2006, Burlington officially launched their Warm Coats and Warm Hearts Drive to collect coat donations for those who are less fortunate or homeless. Partnering with ABC’s famous Good Morning America and the nonprofit Fashion Delivers, Burlington stores serve as drop off spots for donations. Donations are then distributed within the area by local charities to ensure that everyone has a warm coat during the winter time. Since the program began over 1.2 million coats have been collected and distributed. Want to get in on the drive? Simply bring any gently used coats that you have lying around and drop them off at your local Burlington. Many locations will then offer you a coupon for a percentage off your purchase that day. Proof that when you do good, you get a lot of good back in return.
Five Tips for Budget Savvy Shoppers
If you’re searching Burlington near me, you’re likely a budget savvy shopper who likes to score a great deal without compromising on quality. Read on for five tips on getting the most bang for your buck at stores such as Burlington and beyond.
1. Buy for Opposite Seasons
This may seem kind of counter intuitive but buying for opposite seasons is a great way to score hoards of new clothes at discount prices. Aim to buy most of your summer clothes in the early fall and most of your winter clothes in the early spring. The reason is obvious. In the early fall, retailers are getting rid of summer stuff. Because of this there are often tons of sales on incredible pieces. The same rings true for winter items in the early spring and for spring and fall items at the end of those respective seasons.
2. Buy Current Sizes Not Goal Sizes
While searching Burlington near me, remember that when you buy, focus on using your clothing dollars on items that are useful rather than aspirational. It’s not an effective use of your money to buy something that has a low likelihood of ever being worm. The motivation for true weight loss is internal not external. Buying clothing in sizes that don’t fit you just quite yet, likely won’t get you to hit the gym any faster.
3. Buy Quality Clothing Items
The great thing about Burlington is that they offer high quality clothing items at low prices. This means that you’re truly getting the most bang for your buck. When deciding whether a garment is quality, first glance at the seams. The seams of well made item offer better stitching, meaning the item will hold together for much longer. There shouldn’t be any strings dangling off. The seams on a good quality item are typically perfectly straight. Additionally, any patterns should match up well at the seams. Also keep an eye on the material. Stick to natural fibers and blends that last a long time, like wool, and avoid synthetics such as polyesters.
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