Chase Bank Near Me

Established as Chase Bank in 2000, this financial juggernaut got it’s start in 1799 as the Bank of Manhattan. Since its inception, Chase has established over 5,300 branches and 1500 ATMS nationwide. Aiming to serve America’s households with a wide range of financial services, including personal banking, auto financing, investments, business loans, mortgages and credit cards; Chase prides itself in offering quality customer service and convenience in a variety of locations throughout the US.

Interested in finding a Chase Bank near you? Simply browse Chase Bank near me on the map below and find banking and ATM locations in your area. Need a bit more information on this financial giant? Read on for interesting facts, trivia, and services provided by Chase Bank!

Chase Bank Near Me – Find it on the Map

Chase Bank Near Me – Chase Bank Trivia

How many countries does Chase operate in?

While you may be searching Chase bank near me in America, over 100 countries have a Chase location to serve them in their banking needs. As a conglomeration as many major banks and one of the oldest financial institutions in the world, Chase has a strong hold on the banking market in America and abroad. Worldwide the company employs around 235,000 employees. That’s more than the population of some small nations! The good news? Finding a Chase location near you in America and a broad will always be a breeze.

chase bank near me

A Chase bank location in Chinatown, Manhattan.

True or false: Chase finds digital customers to be key.

While you might be searching Chase Bank near me for a physical location, the institution knows that it’s digital customers are an important part of the bank’s overall success, with digital attrition rates that are 15% higher than the non-digital household. Customers that use digital channels to access their bank account are 10% more likely to have a primary relationship with Chase than those who access their account in a non-digital manner. More than half of Chase’s consumer transactions are now digitally enabled. That number will reach 90% by the end of 2016.

What is Chase’s Cost Per Deposit?

While the average person doing their banking at Chase Bank is unaware of the cost per deposit, investors and financiers know that this is an important figure. Chase’s cost per deposit is $.65 for a teller, $0.08 cents through an ATM and $0.03 through a mobile device. Teller usage has dropped from 62% of all deposit activity in 2010 to just 42% in 2014. The movement to a technology platform is enabling chase to reduce deposit costs and earn a higher profit, all while making them more competitive in an ever changing product.

This means the bank will be able to bring consumers more services, better rates, and a higher degree of customer satisfaction. In the future, technology will reign supreme in all forms of banking, from Chase and beyond. The sky is the limit to just how convenient banking will soon become.

Chase Bank Near Me – Chase Bank Facts

Chase National Bank

If you’re searching Chase Bank near me, you might be wondering how this financial institution came to be. Chase National Bank formed in 1877 by John Thompson. The bank was named for former United States Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase, even though Chase didn’t even have a single connection with the bank. The bank grew quickly and steadfastly, acquiring several smaller banks throughout the 1920s. In 1926, it acquired the Mechanics and Metals National Bank. The acquisition of the Equitable Trust Company of New York, whose largest stockholder was John D. Rockefeller Jr., made Chase the largest bank in America.

Logo Changes

Since its inception, chase has undergone five logo changes. While the font and sentiments of the logo have remained largely the same, the color scheme and overall appearance of the logo seems to keep changing. Why does Chase keep changing its logo? Like many brands, marketing and engagement is the name of the game. In order for Chase to draw in customers, it must first catch their eye. While a logo might seem like a silly way to bring in the masses, it’s worked for ages in getting people in the door.

Fast Facts About Chase Bank

In searching Chase Bank near me, keep these fast facts in mind. You might just learn something new about this financial institution!

1. Chase was founded in New York, NY; the place many consider to be the banking capital of the United States.

2. Chase currently operates over 16,000 ATM locations, many with 24 hour access.

3.There are over 5,200 Chase branches. Of course Chase is always open online 24/7.

4.The current CEO of Chase is James Dimmon.

5. Chase currently employs 235,000 employees throughout the world.

6. Chase currently has assets of 2.4 trillion dollars. That’s nothing to sneeze at!

7. As it stands Chase is currently a leader in investment, commercial banking, and asset management and processing.

8. The Chase stock is a component of the DOW Jones Industrial average.

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