Food Trucks Near Me
In recent years, food trucks have taken urban and suburban populations by storm. They can be found outside of parks, on street corners, or even parked near large office buildings. A food truck is essentially a large vehicle that is equipped to both cook and sell food. Most possess onboard kitchens that can help amateaur chefs and start ups to prepare delicious food from scratch. You can find everything from tacos to lobster rolls at a food truck, with many focusing on fresh and regional cuisine.
Are you interested in finding a food truck near you? Simply browse food trucks near me on the map below and find a list of food trucks located in close proximity to your current location. Need some more information on food trucks? Read on for facts, trivia, and more! Your flavor palette will never be the same!
Food Trucks Near Me – Find it on the Map
Food Trucks Near Me – Food Trucks Trivia
True or false: Food trucks are a great source of charity and are often used as such.
When the phrase “food truck” pops up, charity likely isn’t the first thing on your mind. Believe it or not, food trucks are a great source of charity and are often used as such in the US and abroad. Consider this as you search food trucks near me. When Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans, food trucks proved an invaluable resource in feeding clean up crews, construction workers, and relief volunteers. Since there were few standing restaurants and many grocery stores were either shut down or decimated, food trucks proved a dire form of relief. Food trucks were also used after Hurricane Sandy struck the east coast of the US. According to some estimates, food trucks served up more than 100,000 meals to hungry New Yorkers, with around 11,000 free lunches being offered per day. In cities such as Atlanta, homeless shelters have taken to run food trucks in order to fund services. Every meal sold at food trucks such as the People’s Food Truck can provide enough money to feed three to four people at a homeless shelter. Many trucks have also taken to educating the public with culinary skills, which can help them while volunteering at shelters, especially around major holidays.

Food trucks are now more popular than ever!
True or false: Many food trucks are cleaner than restaurants.
Many people assume that just because a food truck is outdoors that it is somehow more unsanitary than dining at a brick and mortar establishment. According to experts, this couldn’t be any further from the truth. In fact, some studies have found that many food trucks are actually cleaner than their restaurant counterparts. According to a report by the Institute for Justice, mobile vendors in cities such as Boston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Louisville, Miami, and Seattle, were just as clean and safe as those in a physical building. In fact, food trucks and food carts typically boasted fewer health violations than restaurants in all of those major cities combined. This means if you’re searching food trucks near me, you can rest assured that your food is being prepared in a clean and safe environment.
Food Trucks Near Me – Food Trucks Facts
Food Trucks Aren’t Just For Food
Food trucks are more popular than ever, so much so, that many businesses have taken to setting up shop on four wheels rather than renting a brick and mortar space. According to the American Mobile Retail Association, there are more than 400 registered rolling retailers in the US that don’t sell food. These mobile retailers are selling everything from clothing and handmade gifts, to shoes and handbags. This number is only going to keep growing as rents exceed the means of many young entrepreneurs. Mobile shops can not only help a fledgling business to go where their target customers are, but they are cheaper and more financially savvy. Fashion trucks are flourishing in cities such as New York and Washington DC, where more than half a dozen fashion trucks can be found roaming the area at any given time. There is even a mobile yarn boutique driving around the streets of Southern California. Bark Bathe And Beyond offers mobile grooming services to on the go dog and cat owners. Need some respite from it all? Visit an RV turned day spa in San Francisco. As you can see while searching food trucks near me, food trucks aren’t just for food anymore!
The Cost of a Food Truck License
What’s keeping savvy entrepreneurs from pursuing their food truck fantasies? The cost of a food truck license. In cities such as New York, only 3,000 street vendors are allowed to be registered at a given time, despite a growing population of 8 million people. Only 500 of those 3,000 street vendor permits can legally be issued to food trucks. This cap, along with the growing popularity of food trucks, has created a true permit shortage. Some are taking advantage by selling licenses on the black market for as much s $20,000. That number far exceeds the cost of the food truck itself, leaving many to abandon their hopes of food truck glory all together. OF course, this isn’t true of all cities. Los Angeles and Washington D.C. don’t boast a permit shortage, meaning it’s easier for individuals to start a food truck and get their idea off the ground for a reasonable fee. As you search food trucks near me, consider how much cost goes into just opening and operating a food truck. How do they keep their prices so low?