Gastrologist Near Me

If you’ve been experiencing issues with digestive tract- it may be time to seek the help of a gastroenterologist, also known as a gastrologist. These doctors are trained to diagnose and treat any issues of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. While your family doctor may help point you in the right direction concerning any GI symptoms- only a specialist can truly diagnose and treat these kind of conditions.

Are you interested in finding a gastrologist near me? Simply browse gastrologist near me on the map below and find a list of qualified doctors in your local area. Need a bit more information on gastrology and gastroenterology? Read on for facts, trivia, and more.

Gastrologist Near Me – Find it on the Map

Gastrologist Near Me – Gastrologist Trivia

Are a gastrologist and gastroenterologist the same?

Technically speaking- these two fields are one in the same. The major difference is that no specialist of the stomach will consider themselves a gastrologist in the modern day. So what are each of these fields? Read on as you search gastrologist near me. A gastroenterologist is a doctor who is highly trained to both diagnose and treat problems that occur in the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This includes any issues with the colon. They have five to six years of specialized education after medical school, meaning they are truly well versed in tackling a variety of issues. You may need to visit a gastroenterologist if you have concerns with your:

-Small intestine
-Bile ducts

But if you’re searching gastrologist near me, you may be more concerned with this field of study. Technically speaking, a gastrologist is someone who specializes in the field of gastrology. This can mean caring for the stomach with medicine or even caring for the stomach with food. Here’s the thing- gastrology may have been an important and prominent medical term back in the 1900s, but that’s no longer the case. The word has since been replaced by gastroenterology, meaning you won’t find any doctors who describe themselves as gastrologists in the US today. If you’re seeking a gastrologist, you’ll need to search under “gastroenterology” in order to yield any results. Don’t worry, it’s a common mistake made by many just figuring out what’s what in this field.

gastrologist near me

A gastroenterologist can help to solve any issues of the digestive tract and colon.

True or false: You only need to see a gastroenterologist for bowel issues.

False! While a qualified gastroenterologist will treat issues of the bowel, it’s just one of many symptoms that may prompt a visit to your doctor. When should you see a gastroenterologist? Consider this as you search gastrology near me. There are so many reasons to visit a gastroenterologist. If you have problems with: swallowing, heartburn, food coming back up after you swallow, severe diarrhea, then it’s time to see a gastroenterologist. While these might seem like common issues, they can be indicative of larger problems. Early intervention is key in determining the exact cause of your symptoms and getting you on the path to treatment.

Gastrologist Near Me – Gastrologist Facts

Seek a Referral First

When you’re experiencing any kind of symptoms, you might feel tempted to call up a specialist as soon as possible and figure out what’s going on. It may be the logical thing to do, but unfortunately in the United States, many insurance carriers will require you to obtain a referral from your primary care doctor prior to seeing a specialist. Without a referral, the insurance company may not cover any of the costs associated with your specialist visit. Keep in mind, not every insurance company will require a referral, freeing you up to make your own appointments with the specialist of your choice. Before seeking specialist treatment and searching gastrologist near me, call up your insurance carrier. The phone number will be on the back of your card. Inquire as to if it is necessary to obtain a referral to maintain coverage. If not, you may have a PPO and will be able to skip the primary care doctor entirely. You will also want to check and see if the doctor of your choice is in your network. Out of network doctors may not be covered, leaving you with ghastly medical bills to pay back.

Conditions Managed by Gastroenterologists

Whether you’ve already been diagnosed with a GI condition are are simply trying to demystify the symptoms you’ve been experiencing for months, there are many symptoms that fall under the umbrella of care in gastroenterology. Since gastroenterologists are highly trained to treat and manage diseases of the digestive tract, there are many issues that will be covered. Conditions commonly treated by gastroenterologists include:

-Celiac disease
-Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis)
-Irritable bowel syndrome
-Gallbladder disease

Some patients can feel shy or awkward when bringing these issues up to the doctor for the first time. But if you’re searching gastrologist near me, you can rest assured that these doctors have seen it all and heard it all. There’s no need for embarrassment, even if issues of the GI can be a bit taboo. All any doctor truly wants is for you to feel well and get better. Everyone experiences these issues from time to time, but underlying diseases can make life unbearable. Call your doctor today if you suspect you may have issues of the GI tract, liver, or colon.

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