Guitar Center Near Me
Looking to rock out or try a new instrument? Look no further than your local Guitar Center stores! Guitar Center is America’s leading retailer of musical instruments, selling professional audio equipment, guitars, amplifiers, percussion, keyboards, and recording equipment. The brand currently operates a total of 122 chain stores in 45 major markets, meaning you’ll have no trouble finding a Guitar Center in your area.
Need to find a Guitar Center store? Simply browse Guitar Center near me on the map below and find a list of Guitar Center locations nearest you. Need a bit more information on Guitar Center? Read on for facts, trivia, and information on this awesome musical brand. You might just learn something new!
Guitar Center Near Me – Find it on the Map
Guitar Center Near Me – Guitar Center Trivia
True or False: Guitar Center was invented on accident.
Rock n’ roll didn’t truly reach its height until the 1950s and 1960s, this is when the genre truly began to flourish thanks to acts such as Elvis Presley. Guitar Center was seemingly born on accident back in 1964. At the time, Wayne Mitchell was in charge of managing the Organ Center, a specialty chain based in Southern California that sold keyboards and organs. These were the instruments that dominated music sales at the time. By 1964, the Thomas Organ Company was officially acquired by Box, a manufacturer of guitars and amplifiers. Though guitars and amplifiers were becoming more and more popular amongst musicians, the sale representatives at Vox knew next to nothing about the products themselves or the way they were to be sold to potential customers. Because of this the Thomas representative quickly approached Mitchell at the Organ Center and persuaded him to take on the guitar and amplifier line. A deal between the two parties was soon reached. Mitchell was to rent a storefront in Hollywood, California and Thomas would provide any signage to help get the fledgling store on its feet. The sign initially read “Voc Guitar Center” which was later shortened to Guitar Center. Despite early confusion, Mitchell quickly learned that guitars and amplifiers were a gold mine compared to organs and keyboards. Rock n’roll was really taking off, with bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling stones sparking a crazy demand for guitars and amps. It seemed like everyone wanted to start a band and Guitar Center was one of the few stores equipped to help young musicians achieve their goals of rock n’ roll stardom. When Mitchell realized just how lucrative guitars were, he began to close down Organ Center stores in order to focus primarily on Guitar Center. Now if you’re searching Guitar Center near me, you’ll find a plethora of locations all equipped to meet every musical need you may have. Unfortunately, you won’t find nearly as many organ or keyboard stores in the modern day!
Guitar Center Near Me – Guitar Center Facts
A Most Excellent Return Policy
Sometimes your dreams of rock n’ roll glory don’t always quite pan out the way you thought they would. That guitar you thought you’d love, might actually end up proving more painful than pleasurable. Perhaps becoming a percussionist didn’t prove quite as fun or alluring as you thought it would. What do you do with the instruments you thought you needed but simply didn’t love? Well if you searched Guitar Center near me and purchased your instrument from Guitar Center, you’re in luck. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your instrument purchase, every Guitar Center location will allow you to return it in its original condition within 45 days of purchase for a full refund. Your refund will include your purchase price, but will not include shipping and handling charges. Overall, it’s pretty simple. If you don’t find yourself loving your instrument or looking to go a different route, you’re not stuck with it for the long haul. Guitar Center wants to outfit fledgling musicians with instruments they will grow to love and excel at using. This is just one of many reasons why a new musician should shop with Guitar Center rather than a smaller operation.
On A Tight Budget? No Problem!
One thing that every fledgling musician faces at one point or another is keeping a budget while purchasing new instruments and expanding musical prowess. Odds are if you’re searching Guitar Center near me, you’d prefer not to drain all of your savings trying to learn how to play guitar. While many guitar and instrument shops demand full and total payment in order to procure an instrument, Guitar Center offers a nifty 30 day layaway program. What is layaway? Layaway allows you to put down a deposit and make payments over a few weeks rather than dropping the total amount all at once. By simply depositing 25% of the total price, Guitar Center will hold your guitar and allow you to pay over the course of a month. There are no interest fees and your deposit is 100% refundable should you change your mind. In order to pick up your guitar and get on your way, you must pay your balance and pick up your items within 30 days. Layaway is a great option for individuals who can’t afford to plunk down $600 or more all at once. This allows you to keep your budget without sacrificing your dreams of music glory!