Nissan Dealership Near Me
Nissan is one of America’s most dependable and lasting car brands. Whether you’re looking for an SUV that can handle any type of weather or a commuter car that will earn you great gas mileage as you travel from A to B, there’s no shortage of options at your local Nissan dealership.
Are you interested in finding a Nissan dealership near you? Simply browse Nissan dealership near me on the map below and find a list of Nissan dealerships in your area. Looking for a bit more information on Nissan? Read on for facts, trivia, and information on your local Nissan.
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Nissan Dealership Near Me – Nissan Dealership Trivia
When was the Nissan motor company formed?
Nissan might not date back quite far as back as Ford or Mercedes, but historically speaking, Nissan can hold its own. When exactly was the Nissan motor company first founded? Consider these facts as you search Nissan dealership near me. According to brand historians, Nissan was actually first created as a gradual merger of several longtime automakers. The whole process of the merger first began in 1914. This is when a few employees of the Kwaishinsha Co, specifically Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama and Meitaro Takeuchi decided that it was time to construct a vehicle that could handle several passengers at once rather than just two. The concept not only set a path for automakers from across the globe to follow, but it served to invigorate the fledgling industry. The car, which was powered by a 10 HP engine was known as the “DAT,” which serves as an abbreviation from the names of its creators. “Dat” is also a Japanese word that means “lively” or “agile.” The same year that the concept car was developed, Kwaishinsha Company merged with the Lila Company in what was the very beginnings of Nissan.

Nissan is one of America’s favorite import car brands!
True or false: Nissan aided in the World War II aide effort.
As a Japanese brand, Nissan helped to play a crucial war during the hectic years of World War II. As you search Nissan dealership near me, consider how Nissan helped to aide its country through shifting production. Like so many companies that were established during World War II, Nissan could not sit idly by and produce passenger vehicles as the war effort mounted. Instead, the car brand had no choice but to shift its focus from car manufacturing to producing military equipment. Rather than making light bodied passenger cars, Nissan produced army trucks, motor boat engines, and aircraft engines. Though it cut into sales at the time and proved a loss of profit, the years of experience turned out to be extremely useful for the company. It resulted in the creation of a separate engine building division and even a shipbuilding division. Both of which still exist in the present day.
Nissan Dealership Near Me – Nissan Dealership Facts
On the Forefront of Technology
One thing that has set Nissan apart since the beginning is their focus on technological advancement and progress. As you search Nissan dealership near me, you’ll find that the automaker has always strove to be on the forefront of any type of technological progress. Rather than shirking the new or audacious, the brand welcomed technological changes with open arms. In fact, in 2013, Nissan received the highest award at the CEATEC exhibition in Japan for its development of the autonomous driving system. This advanced system, which was created by a team of engineers at Nissan, was designed to improve the safety of both drivers and passengers by reducing the risk of accidents big and small. The technology was not just a game changer in the automobile market, but in the tech market overall. Nissan has also been committed to mass producing the electric car. In 2010, Nissan introduced the LEAF, a mass produced and affordable car that runs exclusively on electricity. It is bar far the best selling electric car in the world. The company plans on expanding and developing its fleet of electric vehicles a the years progress, hoping to eventually produce only electric vehicles. Nissan is committed to reducing carbon and ecological footprints without compromising quality or dependability.
The Second Biggest Automaker
With so many car manufacturers littering the automotive landscape, you might think that Nissan isn’t even in the top two when it comes to automobile design and manufacturing. However, Nissan is currently the second biggest Japanese automaker in the world and one of the world’s overall leading automobile manufacturers. Japan aside, the company has unique divisions and subsidiaries in over 17 countries of the world. The Japanese automaker currently has offices in the United States, Europe, South America, Australia, and Asia. Another surprising fact that many people aren’t privy to is that Nissan actually holds a record for the fastest production model in the world. Believe it or not, the Nissan GT-R surpassed both Ferrari and Porsche, showing the best times on the famous racing track in Nurburgring. Right now, the car is considered the fastest street legal vehicle in the world. What will you get after searching Nissan dealership near me?