Organic Restaurant Near Me
Many of us have good intentions to eat healthy and do what’s right for out bodies. Yet, most of us don’t consider the quality of the fruits, vegetables and meats that we put into our bodies each day. Choosing to buy and eat organic is more than just supporting sustainable farming practices, it is knowing what is being put into and onto the food you eat. When it comes to eating out, we don’t always have control over what’s on our plates. In fact, most of the time we aren’t even sure if the food itself was fresh or frozen.
Choosing to frequent organic restaurants is an easy way to ensure that you’re doing good for the environment and your body. Looking to find an organic restaurant near you? Simply browse organic restaurant near me on the map below and find a list of great organic restaurants in your local area. Need a bit more information on organic foods and restaurants? Read on for all of the facts, information and trivia you need to get started!
Organic Restaurant Near Me – Find it on the Map
Organic Restaurant Near Me – Trivia
What is organic food?
Nowadays, there are a lot of definitions of “organic” food being thrown around both on TV and online. This information overload can be confusing, especially if you’re new to the world of organic food. In fact, it is easier than ever to confuse marketing terms such as “natural” or “local” with organic. What is organic food? Keep this definition in mind as you search organic restaurant near me.
Organic food is any food that has been grown or processed without the use of synthetic pesticides, irradiation, chemical fertilizers, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. Simply put, if it isn’t found in nature or certified natural, then it isn’t put into or onto the food you eat. Organic foods need to be certified organic by several agencies. Just because a food is “locally” grown doesn’t mean it was grown organically. Know the lingo and you’ll put the right foods into your body.
When did the organic movement first start?
The organic movement may seem like another millennial trend or fad that cropped up in the early to late 2000s. In reality, the organic food movement has existed for close to 80 years. When did the organic movement first begin? Read on for the answer as you search organic restaurant near me.
The organic food movement as we know it first began in the 1940s as a response to what was deemed the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution was marked by a significant rise in the food production of high-yield crop varieties and the use of pesticides. People didn’t want mass marketed chemical laden foods. Thus the Green Revolution occurred to counteract the rise of factory farming.
Obviously, even the Green Revolution couldn’t stop the rise of industrial farms or pesticides. At the end of the day, the bottom line for farmers and their investors, as well as those working in the agricultural industry took precedence over fresh healthy foods grown the old-fashioned way. Some of this also had to do with the population boom, which necessitated greater and more high yield food sources.
Organic Restaurant Near Me – Facts
Can an organic diet lead to improved health?
Everyone of us wants to be healthy and make the right choices for our overall well being. Can adding organic foods to your diet actually lead to improved health? Well, that depends on your definition of improved health.
Keep these things in mind as you search organic restaurant near me. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there isn’t direct evidence proving that an organic diet will lead to improved health. However, large studies have not been conducted to actually address the long-term benefits of an organic diet vs. a conventional diet using non-organic foods fresh or otherwise. So what’s the takeaway?
While eating organic foods may not do much in the present day health wise, it can potentially have a positive effect on your health long term. Given that many harmful pesticides have been linked to cancers and other diseases, buying organic puts you at a lower risk of developing such illnesses due to the foods you’re ingesting. Health aside, buying organic is also far better for the environment. Not only are organic farms not using pesticides and chemicals which can leach into groundwater or kill local wildlife species, but they often use sustainable growing practices.
These practices help to better the ecosystem, not add to the problem. If you’re someone who likes to be mindful of what you put into your body and how your choices may affect the planet, then going organic is a must. If these things aren’t high on your list in terms of a priority, then an organic lifestyle may not be right for you.
Which foods should you buy organic?
According to experts, not every food you purchase needs to be organic. The reason? Many of the foods we eat are not “high risk foods” in terms of pesticides and contaminants. Others pose a greater threat. Which foods should you buy organic? Consider these things as you search organic restaurant near me. One of the most important foods you can buy organic is the strawberry.
Strawberries remain atop the list as one of the most pesticide contaminated foods in the world. According to watchdog group, the Environmental Working Group, nearly one third of all tested strawberry samples actually contained 10 or more pesticides. One strawberry sample actually contained a whopping 22 different residues. If you’re someone who regularly eats strawberries and is concerned about pesticides, then it is worth it to buy the organic version for a great peace of mind. Even if it will cost a dollar or two more.
What else is worth buying organic? Spinach! Samples showed that a whopping 97% of all spinach tested contained some kind of pesticide residue. A known neurotoxin known as permethrin was found on many of the samples tested. Given that spinach is so easy to buy organic, it makes sense to spend the extra dough to buy something that’s good for your body.
Apples are another food that should always be purchased organic when possible. Given that you eat the entirety of an apple, skin and all, it’s important to know what’s being used during the farming process. Studies show that nearly 90% of all conventionally grown apples contain pesticide residues, including many pesticides that are actually banned in Europe. The chemicals used in farming can easily pass through the skin of the fruit and straight to the flesh.
When possible, strive to buy organic foods. Not only are they better for you, they are far better for the environment too!