Physician Near Me
Whether you’re dealing with a long term illness or experiencing new symptoms, finding the right physician is truly the difference between an effective treatment plan and one that’s leading you on a path to nowhere. Finding a great physician is easy, but you’ll first need to identify the qualifications and merits that are important to you. Even a doctor that’s loved by most might not be the right fit for your particular condition or personality type.
Ready to find a physician in your local area? Simply browse physician near me on the map below and find a list of qualified physicians in your local area. Need a bit more information on physicians? Read on for important facts, trivia, and more.
Physician Near Me – Find it on the Map
Physician Near Me – Physician Trivia
What does it take to be a doctor?
Becoming a doctor requires far more training and on the job experience than most other careers. In fact, it can take at least 11 years for someone to become a doctor. Generally, the career path begins with four years of college, followed by four years of medical school, and then another three years working in a hospital setting. For specialists, doctors may have to work in a hospital for up to eight years before they are considered to be fully trained. Before becoming a doctor, it is recommended that students study biology, chemistry, physics, math, and English. It is very difficult to get into medical school and would require you to do very well in college and on all medical entrance exam tests. Students spend the first two years of medical school in labs and classrooms. They take mostly science courses and learn how to ask patients the right questions in order to get a fix on their symptoms. They learn to discern how to tell what sickness a patient has and reaching a formal diagnosis. In the final two years, students work with patients and doctors in both hospitals and clinics. Once med school has been completed, they work in a hospital for a few years and are known as “residents.” To be a resident, first you must pass a test. Doctors get into the field because they like to help people, show compassion, and challenge themselves to rise above the hurdles of education. They need to know how to make big life changing decisions and handle emergencies without missing a beat. While searching physician near me, consider just how difficult it is to become a doctor.

A great physician always has your best interests in mind.
True or false: The job of being a physician is easy.
False! Physicians might make a nice salary and drive fancy cars, but being a physician is far from an easy job. Doctors work to make people healthier. When a patient comes in with symptoms, it is their job to figure out why. They must diagnose quickly and accurately, prescribe medicine and develop treatment plans. Additionally, they must dole out advice on diet, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle changes. Since no two patients are a like, a doctor’s job is never predictable or easy. Sometimes challenges arise that are enough to test the limit of even the strongest and most committed physician. As you search physician near me, you’ll quickly find that the role of being a physician is just as challenging as any other job.
Physician Near Me – Physician Facts
How many doctors are there in the US?
If you need to find a doctor in the US, you’re in luck, there’s literally thousands to choose from. Just how many doctors call the United States home? Consider this as you search physician near me. Right now, there are nearly 700,000 accredited physicians practicing medicine in the US. In appreciation of these doctors and physicians, National Doctor’s Day is celebrated on March 30th of every year. Despite popular belief, doctors lives are not made in the shade. About 64% of all practicing physicians admit to working overtime, many work an average of 60 hours per week. Another common myth about physicians is that they are paid off by pharmaceutical companies to promote a certain drug or device. Instead, doctors are often paid by pharmaceutical companies to do clinical trial designs or give talks to group of patients on the benefits and risks of a particular drug. If a doctor recommends a certain kind of medicine, you can rest assured that their intentions are good.
The History of Physicians
The role of the physician has always been a prominent one. In fact, the earliest written record that mentions the practice of medicine can be found in Hammurabi’s Code from the 18th century BC in Mesopotamia. This code includes an extensive list of laws and information about physicians, payments, successful treatments, and the punishments that would be rendered should a medical procedure fail. The payment for curing the wealthy during this time was far better than that of curing a pauper. However, failing to treat a wealthy person or “cure them” could result in the loss of a hand or even a life. Historians believe that at around 4000 BC the ancient Greeks designated housing for healing the sick. Rather than a formal hospital with physicians, they were more like temples devoted to the gods of healing such as Saturn and Asclepius. Some did have a separate room that served as a clinic for the unwell. For the most part, the sick were dropped of to pray and ask for healing from the gods. If the condition was to worsen or persist, it was not in god’s plan to heal them. Much of what occurred back in ancient times truly revolved around god’s plan and a human’s lack of power in contrast. As you search physician near me, consider just how old and revered this profession truly is.
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