Sports Clips Near Me
For many men, a trip to barber or haircutter can almost seem an outrageous expense, especially given how little hair the average man actually has. Though many barbers will also offer up a shave or a beard trim, often times the benefit does not outweigh the cost. Luckily, franchises such as Sports Clips exist to help men get the haircut they want quickly, affordably, and without any of the awkwardness of some traditional salons.
Are you interested in finding a Sports Clips location nearest you? Simply browse Sports Clips near me on the map below and find a list of Sports Clips locations located within a close proximity to your current location. Need a bit more information on Sports Clips? Read on for interesting facts, trivia, and more!
Sports Clips Near Me – Find it on the Map
Sports Clips Near Me – Sports Clips Trivia
Who invented Sports Clips?
Every great business starts with a great idea. Who exactly conceptualized the idea of Sports Clips? Read on as you search Sports Clips near me. Sports Clips began in the early 1990s when founder Gordon Logan saw potential in the seemingly endless lack of competition in the mens’ and boys’ haircut markets. Sure, plenty of salons and hair chains existed, many of which were perfectly suitable for a men’s haircut, but most of them were geared towards serving women. The decor, the music, and even the overall vibe was more suited for feminine tastes than for a man wanting a simple haircut. Logan sought to create a place where guys could get a haircut, a beard trim, or a shave, all while feeling totally comfortable in their surroundings. Logan understood that many men felt intimidated or put off by walking into a salon for females. Though barber shops existed, they often weren’t offering more modern hairstyles and would come at a cost. Logan began assembling industry professionals and soon assembled a team that would go on to bring Sports Clips into reality. The first Sports Clips location officially opened its doors in Austin, Texas in 1993. The goal, “To provide a championship haircut experience in an exciting sports themed environment.” That’s been the goal since day one and it’s still the goal to this day. Every Sports Clips still offers the male friendly sports theme and digs that any man would feel totally comfortable getting a haircut or shave in.

Getting a great haircut doesn’t have to be a struggle with Sports Clips!
True or false: The Sports Clips founder was once an aircraft commander.
One might not think that the US Air Force and Sports Clips go hand in hand, but these two diverse areas have one thing in common: Gordon Logan. Prior to founding Sports Clips in the 1990s, Logan served as an Aircraft Commander for the US Air Force. After leaving the Air Force, he worked as a financial planning consultant tofr Price Waterhouse & Co in Houston Texas. This accomplished business founder is also a graduate of MIT And the Wharton School of business. We’d say that this savant had a true advantage when he started one of the most successful haircut franchises in the nation. As you search Sports Clips near me, consider just how much this business founder has actually accomplished in his life thus far!
Sports Clips Near Me – Sports Clips Facts
Sports Clips Services
If you’re searching Sports Clips near me, then you want a great haircut without paying an arm and a leg. Sports Clips currently offers every client a total of three services to choose from when arriving at the salon. Services include: The MVP Experience, The Triple Play, and The Extra Innings. The MVP Experience, aims to make every Sports Clips client feel just like an MVP. With the MVP, you’ll get a haircut, a legendary hot steamed towel, an invigorating shampoo massage and a relaxing neck and shoulder treatment. The Triple Play treatment, includes your choice of haircut, a massaging shampoo treatment with tea tree to leave you feeling refreshed and the legendary hot steamed towel that Sports Clips is renowned for. The Extra Innings is a combination of the prior two experiences with a few extras. The Extra Innings includes a varsity haircut, a double or triple MVP (which means you can experience your MVP treatment 2 or 3 times longer than standard), a complimentary neck trim, and beard detailing. Whichever package you choose, you’ll receive a quality haircut in digs fit for any man.
What Makes A Great Haircut?
As you search Sports Clips near me, you may be wondering exactly what makes a great haircut? Is it the environment of the salon? The cost? Perhaps even the expertise? According to some haircut experts, a great haircut is all of the above, but it is also dependent entirely on you. Many times, even the most talented stylist or barber can give you a bad haircut if you struggle to explain what you’re looking for or shrug your shoulders in exasperation as your stylist tries to get a feel for what you’re looking for. When you arrive for your haircut, be clear about what you want and what you don’t want. Haircutters aren’t mind readers. What looks good to them, might not feel or look good to you. Whether you’re visiting Sports Clips or another capable salon, you have to be clear about what you want. Don’t be afraid to speak up. If you want little more off the top, say so. If you want a certain look, voice your concerns. Your stylist won’t be offended. In fact, many welcome any direction you can give them. Remember, be clear, kind, and direct. Odds are when you voice your concerns, you’ll help your stylist better direct your haircut!