Strip Clubs Near Me
Feeling like getting a little wild? Looking for a hot show and even hotter bodies? Maybe it is time to take your pals out to have a good time. Is someone going to be getting married soon and you are looking for a venue for one last amazing night?
Well, whatever the reason you are searching for your local strip clubs, you will find them all shown here in the Strip Clubs Near Me Map below. Simply click on the location and you will get the club’s name, address and phone number. You will also get the hours that it is open and a link to the club’s website if it has one. You will also get reviews from past customers, be sure to check them out and finally with a few clicks, you can get directions. So, enjoy the show.
Strip Clubs Near Me – Find it on the Map
Strip Clubs Near Me – Strip Clubs Trivia
Strip Club Hours
Alright, so what times are Strip Clubs open? There are generally two periods of times that strip clubs will be open. Many locations open themselves up around lunch for customers who need a break during the day to relax a bit or maybe entertain possible business partners. You will find many strip clubs opening up between 10am and noon. If they are not open during lunch, you will find opening times closer to 4 – 6pm. The closing times very greatly depending upon the city that they are in. The earlier closing times for strip clubs is around 2am. If they are later, you are able to find locations open until 3, 4 and even 6am. So, there is a great variation in the closing times.

Mary’s Club is Portland’s oldest strip club and has a nice artistic side of it.
Important Tips for Visiting a Strip Club
Don’t visit strip clubs very often? Are you not sure of the proper rules and etiquette? Well, here are some helpful tips to help you out and keep you both more comfortable and safe.
1. First, beyond anything. It is generally good to check the style of strip club you are going to. Many strip clubs have their own theme or atmosphere. So, doing a bit of research, even just asking people who have been to it, will give you an idea if it is the right one for you. The reviews when you select a location after searching Strip Clubs Near Me can help with this step.
2. If you are going to bring someone who is reluctant, particularly a girlfriend to a female strip club, it might kind of kill the mood. So, really, think about who you are going with. You want to go there to have a good time, so make sure everyone else is in the same boat.
3. Bring cash. Don’t bring your credit card. Strip clubs often have a larger than normal extra service charge for using a credit card at the club. We are talking an extra 10 – 20% instead of 2-3% like you may find at other establishments.
4. In regards to lap dances or private shows, there are a lot of important things to think about here. First, if you don’t want/need one, just say “No thanks” when someone offers to give you one, they don’t need an excuse or reasons. They are working and don’t need to hear your story. If you are going to, be sure to ask for costs up front and budget. You don’t want to be stuck in hot water asking your buddies for extra money to pay because you didn’t realize the costs before hand. Also, if you are planning or might get a lap dance, be thoughtful with your clothing. That awesome rhinestone belt buckle might look super sweet, but it wont feel it if it scratches the dancer. Sharp, pointy, scratchy clothing or accessories that might get in the way are really just inconsiderate. So, take that into consideration. Finally, ask the rules. Different clubs may have different rules, so asking what they are, when you are asking the costs, is a great idea.
5. Place money on the stage. If you want to show your respect and show that you are a good customer, be sure to place money up on the stage, even just a few dollars for each dancer when they come up will be noticed and will get your table noticed. It is the central stage of the club and it will get more visitors to your table if your table is interacting with it.
6. Keep your camera at home and don’t take pictures. Just don’t.
Strip Clubs Near Me – Strip Clubs Facts
Strip Club Facts and Statistics
Just for some fun, here are some interesting facts and figured about Strip Clubs in the United States
1. There are a decent number of strip clubs in the United States. Across the entire country, you will find 4,000 different strip clubs. In these clubs, they employ about 400,000 different strippers.
2. Strippers make pretty good money. The average stripper makes about $125,000 per year. Which is certainly well about the average salary; however, when you consider that the 4,000 strip clubs bring in over 3 billion dollars each year, the is not surprising.
3. The city that has the most strip clubs per capita isn’t Las Vegas. In fact, the city with the most strip clubs per 100,000 people is Springfield, Oregon. It has 9.3 strip clubs per 100,000 people; however, the city has under 60,000 people. So, it isn’t like there are a hundred strip clubs. If we are looking for the city with the most, Las Vegas isn’t even it. It only ranks #5. The top 2 are surprisingly, Portland, Oregon with 54 and Huston, Texas with 65. Portland sports a mighty, 8.8 strip clubs per 100,000 residents. It’s population is just 10 times that of Springfield, Oregon.
Some Strip Clubs of Note
With 4,000 different strip clubs in the country you get a wide range of strip clubs from sad and depressing establishments to ones that have been carefully and thoughtfully created to make a good show. Here are some establishments that if you happen to find them on Strip Clubs Near Me, you should check out, or maybe make a road trip just to have the chance to visit.
1. 4Play, Las Angeles, California. This strip club has a large number of talent who are just waiting for their big break. The club is located in West Las Angeles and the strippers are hopeful movie stars, playmates and models who are just working there until they get “found” While they may not get found by who they are hoping you can still enjoy the shows and this place is often referred to as having the hottest strippers in the city.
2. Clubhouse, Dallas, Texas. This is actually an award winning strip club. It has a wide range of girls there, so whatever you are interested in, you are bound to find it. This is more of a rock themed place, so enjoy the good music and atmosphere. It also offers half price on cover for those who can bring tickets to a range of local sports teams. An important not, this is a bring your own drink establishment, but they will have ice and coolers to keep your drinks chilled.
3. Mary’s Club, Portland, Oregon. One had to be from Portland, and why not the city’s oldest club. With over 50 years of history, this was Portland’s first topless establishment. Like the city, you will find that it has an artistic bent to it, with large murals painted around the establishment. The club as a colorful story and is actually family run.
4. Lollipops Gentleman’s Club, Daytona Beach, Florida. If you are in the area, this is one of the most famous places to visit. While it no longer is topless, due to city rules, it is a popular place to visit and has famous cliental. It is also large and busy, with 3 stages and more than 150 top notch performers.
5. Scores, New York City. Let’s just put it this way. Howard Stern approves and if that says something, it should be enough to get your attention. If that isn’t enough, this is a well-established club that was the first major gentleman’s club in New York City when it was created back in the 1990s. It was revolutionary and created a much more upscale type of show. So, give it a shot if you are in the city.
Strip club’s in Elkhart county