Verizon Store Near Me
Having trouble with your Verizon phone? Not happy with your service provider? Looking for a new phone? Well, your local Verizon store is there to help. Simply check out the Verizon Store Near Me Map below. On the map, you will find all of the nearby Verizon Store locations. Simply click on a location and it will tell you the address and phone number for the location. It will also tell you the hours of operation and show you reviews from previous customers to that location.
In addition, you will get a link to the Verizon website, in case you need to get some extra information from there. Finally, with a few clicks, you will be able to get directions to the location from where you are, so you can be on your way.
Verizon Store Near Me – Find it on the Map
Verizon Store Near Me – Verizon Store Trivia
Hours of Operation
Generally speaking, Verizon Store locations open most days around 9am and will remain open until 8 or 9pm. These hours do get reduced on the weekends, Sunday being their shortest hours of operation, normally closing around 6PM and opening around 11am. You will also find reduced hours and sometimes even closing on major holidays like Christmas, New Years and Independence Day. If you aren’t sure, just check the various locations to find a location that will be open when you are available to go to the store.

Verizon Communications is the largest wireless communications company in the United States.
Verizon Store versus Verizon Authorized Retailer
When you are searching Verizon Store Near Me, you will find two types of store on the Verizon Store Near Me Map. The first stores are the Verizon Stores, they simply are named Verizon on the map and are stores operated by Verizon itself. The second store locations are Verizon Authorized Retailers. While the map shows Verizon in their name and when you go to their stores you will see the Verizon trademark and marketing items, these stores are not Verizon but a company that has a contract with Verizon for doing sales of their products and plans. Which means if you are looking for a new phone, they are able to sell you one, and you may even be able to get a rather good deal as they normally will have special contracts with Verizon, they don’t have all of the power and authority over your phone and its plan. If you are looking for service to your phone or are looking to make changes to your account and billing, most of these locations will not have that power. You will need to go to a Verizon store itself as Verizon is responsible for all billing and customer service of their phones and plans.
Verizon Services
Verizon is a large communication company that offers a number of services for both residential and business customers.
Verizon Wireless
This branch of the company services is responsible for all of your cellphones and smartphones. They offer a range of talk and data plans as well as pay as you go contracts for those who are looking for new cellphones or smartphones. They can also do data plans for your tablets.
The residential plans for Verizon offer home internet and television services. So, if you are looking for a new bundled service, they can get you started or if you are looking to up your internet services with a network booster, they can help you out there too.
For business customers, they have a variety of services available depending upon the size of your business. If you are just looking for a small internet and phone set-up, maybe a TV, they have got you covered. They also offer services to medium and large sized businesses and even offer plans for government agencies. They have a very wide range of services and sizes of services available.
Verizon Store Near Me – Verizon Store Facts
A Brief History of Cellular Phones and Verizon
Verizon as a company is both new and old. It holds a strong place history in cellular phones. Verizon was formed by the merging of two large companies, Bell Atlantic and GTE. This merging took place in the year 2000. Once the companies merged, the combined company was known as Verizon.
Back in the 1970s, the United States was almost completely monopolized by the American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) company when it came to phone services. An anti-trust lawsuit forced the company to relinquish control over the Bell Communication Companies, which provided local phone services at the time. The control wasn’t given up until 1984.
In 1995, Bell Atlantic, with the help of NYNEX Corporation, a phone company in New England, created Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile, a rather long name. Two years later, the companies formally merge under the Bell Atlantic Banner. This brings us back to where the company was in 2000 when it merged with GTE to become Verizon.
Today, while AT&T used to hold a monopoly on the United States phones, it is no longer the case, in fact AT&T is not even number one. Verizon holds the largest number of mobile phone subscribers, with over 143 million and AT&T comes in second place with just over 133 million subscribers. To round out the top 5, there is T-Mobile in third place with 69 million subscribers, Sprint with 60 million in fourth place and fifth place goes to U.S. Mobile with only 5 million subscribers. The phone industry has certainly changed a lot.
Verizon Communications today is now a national corporation with over 177,000 employees and has an annual revenue of over 131 billion dollars.
Verizon has a number of prominent marketing deals including an exclusive marketing and promotional deal with the National Hockey League. It has a similar deal with the IndyCar series, which is now called the Verizon IndyCar Series. They also worked with Vodafone to get a deal with the National Football League.
Looking for a Verizon Store? Well, you are in luck, there are over 7,400 Verizon Wireless locations alone across the United States. This does not even include the number of authorized dealers. So, whenever you are looking for a Verizon Store using Verizon Store Near Me, you are bound to find several locations in your area.
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