Places That Deliver Near Me
Feeling starved? Maybe you just don’t feel like cooking? There are tons of options when it comes to delivery, but it all depends on what is nearby and in your neighborhood. To find out, check out “Places that deliver near me”.
There’s Pizza, Chinese, subs or cheese steaks, salad, and ethnic food like Indian. Whatever you choose depends on your location, but there is always a delivery place or two nearby! Many delivery places also cater, so why not order from your local mom and pop shop over making a big meal next time you have a party!
Places That Deliver Near Me – Find it on the Map
Places That Deliver Near Me – Places That Deliver Trivia
Think food delivery is only by phone?
With some much technology available to people, it’s getting easier than ever to order food from other sources, like online or text ordering! Third party companies like Grubhub and Just Eat offer the option of looking at menus on their site and allowing your to place an order without ever even speaking to someone. they send this order to the restaurant and then the driver drops off your food! It’s that simple! This market is only going to expand more, as still many of the orders placed for delivery are still done by phone, but this market has 1 billion dollars invested in it, so there should be no problem getting this idea off of the ground!

A food delivery van that only delivers organic fare.
Did you know?
Super bowl time is a pretty busy delivery day for a lot of restaurants. 13% of Americans order delivery on super bowl days. Doesn’t seem like a lot? Think of it as one in eight people and you’ll see just how much delivery that is. The most popular food delivered is pizza, probably because of how simple it is to eat it and the clean up is quick as well. Domino’s sells around 11 million pieces of Pizza on super bowl Sunday! That’s a lot of dough! and cheese! and sauce! MMM….
What Asian food is the most ordered and delivered in the US?
Chinese food is the most popular by far, with sushi tagging behind it. As far as the most popular Asian dishes delivered, General Tso’s chicken comes in at number one, and at the bottom of the line up is pot stickers.
Did you know?
There’s an interesting trend with regions and what they order the most. The East coast with states like Pennsylvania and New York, heavily favor pizza. The West coast is all about Chinese and Asian delivery. Down South, chicken dishes are very heavily ordered, but Texas favors BBQ more. The most popular chicken dish is fried chicken.
Some of the least ordered items are things that wouldn’t really be considered meals, but more sides. Cinnamon sticks, French fries, and salads were not delivered as much as the other items that are considered top ranked. In the mood for something quick? Try looking for ” Places that deliver near me!”
Places That Deliver Near Me – Places That Deliver Facts
If you like the feeling of firing up the burners in your own kitchen, but don’t know where to get quality ingredients or need recipe ideas, you could try meal kit delivery services like Blue Apron, The Purple Carrot, and Chef’d. These sites offer quality ingredients locally grown and farm raised, they provide interesting and healthy recipes that are also delicious, and they beat wasting food you didn’t use from the grocery store. It cuts waste down, saves gas money, and is really great for a small family, single person, or couple.
The super successful driver service Uber, is now spinning another idea into gold, food delivery! It launched a new app called UberEATS in select cities in the US, and are allowing new and existing Uber drivers to move freely from the taxi app to the food delivery app with ease. There are specific rules and regulations for the drivers, but this would be a great benefit to a restaurant to seem more tech savvy!
Leave it to New York to be one of the first states to deliver pizza! The New York Times had an article that talked a bit about the interesting phenomenon of the pizza. By the 40s, Pizza was packaged in boxes, nice and hot, ready to be delivered to the hungry masses. Looking for a killer slice of pizza without having to defrost one? Try “Places that deliver near me” for your local pizza place, or try a new one!
Delivery wasn’t a relatively new trend, but after WWII, it really picked up. Times were better after the soldiers came back, people had more money again, the television had become a sensation, and because of TV in particular, the sales in restaurants went down and the TV dinner began to outshine these businesses. When a couple of smart restaurant owners decided to bring the food to the people, the demand went up, and restaurants began to see sales improvements.
If you’ve ever wanted to try some foreign fare, but don’t have access to any of the restaurants that make that particular cuisine, your in luck. The meal kit service Try The World offers foods you wouldn’t be able to try in the US right to your door!