Super Walmart Near Me
Few stores in the world hold the power or influence that Walmart does. Whether it’s offering everyday low prices or employing more individuals than any other store in the world, Walmart is truly a one stop shop for every item one could come across in day to day life. Unlike a regular Walmart, a Super Walmart also includes a full grocery store which features an in house deli, bakery department, and butcher department.
Are you interested in finding a super Walmart near you? Simply browse Super Walmart near me on the map below and find a list of Walmarts located within a close proximity to your current location. Need a bit more information on Super Walmart? Read on for facts, trivia, and more!
Super Walmart Near Me – Find it on the Map
Super Walmart Near Me – Super Walmart Trivia
How much does Walmart earn in sales everyday?
Walmart is one of world’s largest retailers, which means they can pull in a pretty staggering amount of dough everyday. The question is: just how much does Walmart earn in sales each day? Consider this as you search Super Walmart near me. According to some statistics, Walmart earned a staggering $473 billion in 2013, which when averaged out, means that that the brand earned some $1.29 billion every single day. What this figure reveals is that the average American family of four, likely spent around $4,000 dollars each year at the retail juggernaut. In fact, some economists estimate that one out of every four dollars that an American allots for their groceries is spent at a Walmart location. This means the company is even bigger than Home Depot, SEars, Kroger, Target, K-Mart and Costco combined.
True or false: Walmart is the most searched place on navigation systems.
Have you ever wondered exactly what the most searched place is on navigation systems in the United States? You’re about to find out! Consider this as you search Super Walmart near me. According to statistics put out in 2010, Telenav reported that Walmart was unquestionably the most searched business on their systems. Walmart was so searched on TeleNav systems, that the number of searches was double that of the second place location, Target. What else did Walmart beat out in terms of searches? Starbucks, Chase, and Best Buy. It seems like now more than ever Americans are looking to save money and get the most bang for their buck.
What is the best selling item at Walmart?
Walmart sells thousands of items in their thousands of retail stores throughout the world, but what exactly is the best selling item at Walmarts world wide? If you guessed “toilet paper,” “bread” or “toothpaste” you’re not exactly batting 1,000. According to insiders, the best selling item at Walmart is actually bananas. In fact, the number of bananas sold at Walmart stores is more than double the number of apples and oranges sold combined. Who knew bananas were so popular? What will you be picking up after searching super Walmart near me?
Super Walmart Near Me – Super Walmart Facts
Taking Up Space
Walmart doesn’t just occupy small town America, it occupies space all over the world. Just how much space does Walmart’s various locations take up on a global scale? Consider this as you search Super Walmart near me. According to a report done by Fortune Magazine, Walmart takes up around 952,203,837 square feet of land space. That’s roughly 34.16 square miles, or the entire length of Manhattan. Since that figure was produced, Walmart has opened many more locations, so much so that it’s estimated that the brand is nearing almost 68.34 square miles of space. What’s even more intriguing about these figures, is that the 34.16 square miles does not include any of Walmart’s distribution facilities, corporate offices, or parking lots. Want to know another shocking statistic? Some estimate that Walmart’s 8,000 drivers log more than 749 million miles a year. That’s enough to circle the earth more than thirty thousand times. Walmart has an unquestionable hold on the world at large, not only in terms of space, but in terms of total sales. We doubt this retail juggernaut is going out of business anytime soon!
The World’s Largest Employer
Aside from taking up more space than any other business in the world, Walmart is also the world’s largest private employer. Some estimates show that Walmart employs some 2.1 million people, which is worldwide only behind the United States Department of Defense (3.2 million) and the People’s Liberation Army of China (2.3 million). In terms of private employment, Walmart reigns supreme, standing only neck in neck with it’s closest competitor the China National Petroleum Corporation who employs some 1.6 million people. When you search super Walmart near me, you’re helping to fun the employment of millions!
The Buy America Program
Some have might be keen on labeling Walmart as a corporate powerhouse with no soul, but the brand is desperately trying to help out Americans by bringing back the jobs that were once sent overseas. In 2013, Walmart launched the “Buy America” program, with a corporate commitment to purchasing at least $50 billion worth of domestic products over the course of the next 10 years. While it’s a great initiative, the jury is still out as to whether or not the program will result in an uptick of American jobs. Regardless, providing Americans with jobs is a worthy cause and one worth pursuing.