Dermatologist Near Me
A dermatologist is a medical professional who specializes in skin, nails and hair, and the diseases that can affect those body parts. There are many different branches of dermatology, focusing on each individual body part, or else focusing on different types of conditions and illnesses that can affect them. These branches range from cosmetology- to pathology- to immunology-focused dermatology.
The training and credentials necessary to be a professional dermatologist vary from country to country, but most require a college degree and a special examination, at least. You can find a dermatologist in your area by searching for “dermatologist near me”.
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Dermatologist Near Me – Dermatologist Trivia
How long has dermatology been around?
Because dermatology deals with problems with the skin and hair, its effects are very noticeable, compared to diseases of the internal organs. Because of this, skin and hair diseases have been treated for thousands of years. The Persian philosopher and scientist Avicenna wrote a book entitled ‘The Canon of Medicine’ in 1025, which recommended treatments for many different skin diseases, including zinc oxide skin cancer.
While this substance is no longer used to treat skin cancers, it is still used for many other skin conditions, including diaper rash and dandruff. The first medicinal text to focus solely on dermatology was Geronimo Mercuriali’s ‘De morbis cutaneis’ (‘On the diseases of the skin’) in Italy in 1572. The first comprehensive textbook for medical students on dermatology was Francesco Bianchi’s ‘Dermatologia’, in 1799. The word dermatology comes from two Greek words, ‘derma’ meaning skin, and ‘logia’ meaning ‘explanation’ or ‘study’. The first school to specialize in dermatology was at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, a teaching hospital in Paris, in 1801. Around this period of time, the first dermatological atlases and textbooks began to appear, as well.

Doctors must train for many years after their other medical training to become dermatologists.
What are the different types of dermatology?
One popular type of dermatology is cosmetic dermatology. Practitioners of this branch deal with administering Botox, performing liposuction, and giving facelifts to patients. Some patients wish to have these procedures done in order to improve their appearance, while others require treatment following accidents such as fires or chemical spills.
Another type of dermatology is immunodermatology. This deals with diseases in which the immune system attacks parts of the body, such as lupus. Some pathologists also specialize in dermatological conditions and diseases, and are known as dermatopathologists.
How do doctors become dermatologists?
In America, after a student earns a medical degree, the dermatological medical boards require general dermatological training of four years, including one year of interning followed by three years of dermatological residency. After this, a doctor may partake in a post-residency fellowship of one or two years, in one of the specialized fields of dermatology, like dermatopathology, immunodermatology, phototherapy or micrographic surgery. In the United Kingdom, the pathway is slightly different.
First the student must obtain a medical degree, followed by one year of work to qualify as a medical practitioner. After this, two or three years of training is required to obtain a higher degree in medicine, and to become a member of the Royal College of Physicians. Next, four years of special dermatological training is required, followed by a special examination. If a doctor passes this exam successfully, they are accredited as a dermatologist.
To find a dermatologist near you, just search “Dermatologist near me”.
Dermatologist Near Me – Dermatologist Facts
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and has several functions. Apart from providing a physical barrier between the environment and the internal organs, it also detects and regulates temperature. The skin is thickest on the foot (about 0.05 inches), and thinnest on the eyelid (just 0.007 inches)! The average human has about 20 square feet of skin, which accounts for 15% of the total body weight. The skin renews itself every 28 days!
On average, a healthy human might lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. Hairstyles like ponytails and braids that pull on the hair can contribute to hair loss. Hair and nails are actually made of the same substance, a protein known as keratin. Human facial hair is the quickest-growing of any hair on the body. Head hair grows around 6 inches per year on average. Almost all mammals, with a handful of exceptions, grow hair on their bodies.
Fingernails grow approximately 0.003 inches per day on average, while toenails grow much slower, at just 0.04 inches per month!
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancers around the world. Apart from ultra-violet radiation from the sun, it can also be caused by indoor tanning beds. Almost 28 million Americans use tanning beds every year. One out of every five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point during their life.
Acne is a very common skin condition, that dermatologists often need to deal with. Acne is most common on the face, chest and back. More than forty percent of teens have acne or acne scarring bad enough to require a dermatologist. Nearly 85% of people develop acne at some point in their life, and it affects 40 to 50 million Americans every year. Acne occurs when pores on the skin become blocked by some means, usually oil, dirt, bacteria or dead cells. However, it is unknown exactly what causes this to occur.
Much of the dust in homes is actually dead skin cells. These dead cells can form up to 50% of all the dust! They add up to about a billion tons of atmospheric dust overall. When the skin is damaged severely enough, scar tissue forms to heal the damage. Scar tissue is different to normal skin, most noticeably in that it doesn’t contain hair or sweat glands. Skin is comprised of over 300 million cells.
The number of hairs on the head depends on the color of the hair. Blondes have the most hairs, totalling about 150 thousand on average. Black and brown are next, with between 100 and 110 thousand hairs. Redheads have the fewest head hairs, with just 86 thousand.
Almost all of the skin is covered in very fine hairs called ‘vellus hair’. It is the male and female hormones that convert these hairs into thicker coarser hairs during puberty (on the chest for males, for example).
To find a dermatologist close to you, just search for “Dermatologist near me”.
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Looking for a Dermatologist in Alabama or Tennessee that specializes in under the skin cyst or small boil -like occurrence on the face. What causes and a treatment for this condition.
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Is Dr Ehrnstrom a dermatologist?
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I am near Newport News, VA
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Anne Martin
I am looking for a dermatologist that takes Care Source the government offer and lives not more than 30min away from Leesburg,Ohio. Can anyone help me out?
I live in Watertown, Ct.
Looking for a Bend dermatologist by the name of Dr May
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Than he will refer you to a dermatologist.
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I have severe psoriasis.
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I have holes in my face and dark spots
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Thank you
I have gotten this boils at my back,it normal starts small small and getting bigger,it itches but painless.
Please can I get a prescribe medication for it because it is talking over the whole of my back skin and extended to my chest and tummy part
I have these hard bumps on my back of my legs they say that is age spots but I don’t think so ,I am 59, and diabetic can u help me!!
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I need an appointment to see what is going on with my 2 thumb nails that are loosening underneath. I’d appreciate an appt. soon in New London. I’ve seen you before. I keep phoning, but no one answers.
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I live in Middleboro ma