Garage Sales Near Me
For the budget conscious shopper or thrifty buyer a garage sale can be a guaranteed way of scoring great items at rock bottom price. Since the 16th century, garage sales have been a popular way for individuals to declutter, raise funds, trade for new goods, and barter with fellow lovers of great stuff. While some portions of the US only hold garage sales seasonally, warmer areas often offer garage sales nearly every weekend.
Are you interested in finding garage sales near you? Simply browse garage sales near me on the map below and you’ll find a comprehensive list of garage sales in your area. Need a bit more information on garage sales? Read on for facts, trivia, and history on garage sales.
Garage Sales Near Me – Find it on the Map
Garage Sales Near Me – Garage Sales Trivia
True or false: It all started with the shipping yards.
This is true! While pondering garage sales and searching garage sales near me, you may be wondering how garage sales first got their start. Well, they didn’t exactly start in a garage. In fact, the origin of the garage sale resides in shipping yards. In the 1800’s, shipping yards would sell unclaimed cargo and leftover warehouse items at very low discounted price. At the time these dock sales were known as “rommage sales” which is where we get the word rummage sale from today. Eventually “rommage” sales moved from the shipping docks into the town centers and became known as “bazaars” that were often associated with local churches and charitable organizations.

Whether you call it a garage sale or a yard sale, these sales can a place to score amazing goods on a budget.
When did yard sales first surface in America?
While rummage sales have been a part of history for hundreds of years, the garage sale didn’t reach America until the 1950s and 1960s. After World War II, people in North America suddenly found themselves in the possession of a greater amount of money than they had in the previous decades. For the first time, they had enough money to buy more consumer goods and gadgets that were flooding the market. In addition to buying stuff, many individuals were buying homes. These homes often came complete with easy to access driveways and garages and were mainly located in suburban areas. In the 1970s, the garage sale became a very popular practice, with these 1950s homes being the perfect setting for people to sell their unwanted goods and generate some extra cash. It was also a way for Americans to feel better about consumerism, knowing that once they were finished with their products they could go on to someone else and find a new life.
What is the primary method of advertising yard sales?
If you’re searching garage sales near me, you’ll likely be met with lots of posts on local garage sales on the web. That’s because nowadays the primary way that individuals advertise for garage sales is on the web. Whether posting on Craigslist or other classified type sites, Americans have taken to the web to get their garage sale alerts out to the masses. Another primary way of advertising for garage sales? Your local paper of course! Classifieds are a bonafide way to find a list of yard and garage sales. Of course, searching garage sale near me works perfectly too. In fact, you’ll probably met with a bevy of options!
Garage Sales Near Me – Garage Sales Facts
The World’s Longest Garage Sale
Whether you choose to call it a yard sale or a garage sale, you may be wondering where you can find the world’s longest yard sale. The world record for longest yard sale belongs to the 127 Corridor sale. This annual sale takes place every year in August and spans 690 miles. The sale begins in Michigan and goes south along Highway 27 all the way to Alabama. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in a garage sale this long, you’re simply not looking hard enough! Consider this garage sale while searching garage sales near me and maybe make a trip out of it you’re a true garage sale lover!
Garage Sales Each Week
The good news? If you’re searching garage sale near me in the United States you should have no shortage of options. According to recent statistics, there are an average of 165,000 garage sales held every week in the United States. That’s plenty of opportunities for you to get out and find that special item or tool that you’ve been longing for. Keep in mind that this number often spikes in the summer months as the East coast can finally get in on the garage sale action. On the West Coast and down south, garage sales are a year round event. Of course if you’re lucky enough, you’ll live in an area that often hosts indoor garage sales due to inclement weather.
Items Sold Per Week
While searching garage sales near me, consider just how many items are sold at garage sales every single week. If you’re thinking around 500,000 items or less, you’re pretty far off. The number of items sold at garage sales every week in the US? 4,967,500 items. That’s a lot of cookware, household items, clothing, trinkets and treasures finding new homes every week!
Average price of a Yard Sale item
There’s a reason why garage sales are so popular amongst budget savvy buyers. The average price of an item at a typical garage sale is just .85 cents. Where else can you buy anything for .85 cents in this day and age. The likelihood is nowhere at all. Even dollar store items will set you back around .99 cents or more with tax.
This was a very interesting topic,I asked for yard sales and got taken back to memory lane.I was born in 1964 and growing up I remember my Godmother,picking me up for weeknd.,and were going to rummage sale,help aunty look for some pots and pans,and of course goodies for me.Thank You for the memory.!!!
Any yardsales in Crestwood Alabama
Looking for the person that bought a 1983 El Camino canary yellow in kingman az. sometime between 2018 and april 2019
Looking for the person that bought a 1983 El Camino canary yellow in kingman sometime between 2018 and 2019 april
I ❤️ it!
Any garage saless I Cornwall Ontario
July 4,2020
I live in garland texas and would like to know of weeken garage sales.
Garage sales Mishawaka today?
I’m looking for some dumbbells! DuPage county
Any garage sales in Gonzales this weekend
What is a good website to find garage/patio sales in 85205?
Garage sale at 4866 N Mangrove Ave on Saturday, January 18, 2020, starting at 10 AM til 3 PM. Variety of items.
Hello – ARMS of Hope
Is again offering our FREE after Community Rummage Sale or Community Yard Sale Pick Up Service for both Residential or Neighborhood sales.
If you all would be interested in scheduling a donation pick up, please contact us.
For more information on your Pick Up dates please feel free to call us or if you already have a weekend in mind that is already scheduled call us now to book the date.
Again we pick up Clothes – Household Goods—Trinkets—Nick—Naks—Small Appliances (Coffee Pots—Toaster Ovens—Blenders Etc.) and Small Furniture in Fair or Good Condition.
Please call us today 210-733-8888
Very Respectfully,
Marianne Pizano
Arms of Hope
San Antonio, Texas 78221
210-733-8888 Ext 11993
neighborhood garage sale in Anaheim CA 92806
Cross Street is:
Lincoln/ Rio Vista/ Kingsley
GARAGE SALE-4 FAMILY; Holding a huge Garage Sale this Friday 12/6 & Saturday 12/7 at 1326 SE 44th Terrace, Cape Coral 33904 (off Vincennes & Cape Coral Parkway). There will be furniture, kitchen supplies; flower vases; books, household items, tools, golf clubs, shoes, $1.00 women & men clothing; $15.00 Hess truck collectibles new in box, Christmas items & decor, Superman Comics, $10.00 ET Collection new in blister package, $1.00 Vinyl Records; Christmas GIFT Shop (new items: $3.00 men’s silk ties; $2.00 women’s silk scarves; $4.00 Chung handbags; jewelry; $1.00 makeup); ladies tops NWT…priced $1.00-$5.00), Keurig coffee pods 10 cents each and MORE!
Would like to find garage saleWoodvile Texas maybe a bed or trade my recliners live sweet for a futon bed or puppies please
It’s a shame but I can’t figure out how to post an ad…
Garage Sale, 1325 Pembrook Ct, Roselle, IL Fri 10/4 9-4, Sat 10/5 9-4, Sun 10/6 9-1pm
How do I advertise items for sale? I do not require the mandatory convert to pdf, I already have it. You can’t get beyond the required download for convert to pdf!
I just want to place an ad!
How do I place an ad
7 Family Labor Day Weekend Yard Sale
8-30-19 Staturdat at 7:30am – noon
4765 Lemon Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90807
How do I place a garage sale ad?
Estate Sale 5512 SW 18TH TERRACE, Topeka, Ks 66604. Monday 8/26/19, Tuesday 8/27/19, and Wednesday 8/28/19 from 7AM to 3PM! EVERYTHING MUST GO, GREAT PRICES. EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!
Tools for sale 8/24-25 7am to noon
3703 Carlile Ave., Pueblo, CO
City Park
Yard sale 6723 Roberts Avenue, Dundalk, Md. 21222
Sunday August 18.. 7:00 am
Huge garage sale in Broken Arrow. 4849 S. 195th E. Pl. Eagle Creek. Sat. 8 till ?
Need square bailed hay
Garage sale 409 s 3rd Ave Jonesboro indiana
garage sales 555 Westminster road Joliet il 60435 Saturday Agosto 10 and sunday agost 11 9am to 3pm
garage sale 1420 s. Abington ln round lake il
Love garage sales, bazaars, church sales .
Any near Hamlin PA?
Yard sale this Sat. 9-? Cleaning out storage bldg. 1004 winchester ave between 29-30 st. Follow yelllow signs in middlesboro. BIGGG YARD SALE.
looking for a good garage sale in San Francisco Ca. Anybody have any ideas? Possibly the downtown area. Thanks everybody I appreciate it Margarita Rudolph
Hi good morning I lucking For garage sales
Find garage sales
Garage Sale @ 836 East Harvard Road/ Burbank, CA 91501
Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23
7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday
7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday
Lots of household items, clothes, 1950s 100% solid maple dining table with leaves and 6 chairs, some tools, a skateboard/scooter ramp, yard items, etc.
how can i change the date on my garage sale. you have not given me help on this. what should i do?
please help now. the date on my garage sale is wrong. where should i go to edit it. please help how.
may i see my ad?
where can i see my garage sale ad.
where is my ad
Closing day care at 912 N. Oneida street (Zion Church) in Appleton
June 27 28, 29 from 9 to 1.
may i have a look and if need edit it?
where can i find my add?
Looking for sales in the region of South Bend, IN
Old Country Store Hwy70W Goldsboro
Cant seem to be able to down load garage sale ap.
I love in taylor. These maps of hard sales show no streets. So there is no reference in relation to where I live ! I love these sales but if I don’t know where they are, I can’t go
I live in Albrightsville ,new to area , where is the closest sale site for me ,thanks jim
Copenhagen N Y May 17- 19, 2019
3071 Mechanic St will also be ready Saturday May 13 with 200 books, Vintage items and magazines from the 40’s and 50’s, new maple syrup bottles and art work.
May 17 – 19 is the Community sale
14 Shawnee Path, Millington, NJ 07946
Sat 5/4/19 8am-3pm, Sun 5/5/19 8am-3pm
No early birds please !!
furniture, antiques, jewelry, hand & power tools, building supplies, new large Anderson arched window, nick/nacks, toys, shoes, Kitchenware, Yard & Garden supplies, snowblower, flat screen TVs, tables, chairs, etc
21 marigold. Saturday Sale. !
3978 Ronda Road
APRIL 12, FRIDAY…9-4p.m.
APRIL 13, SATURDAY 10-4p.m.
APRIL 14, SUNDAY 10- 2p.m.
Beautiful furniture, pictures, and more.
See attached photos.
Mention the Estate Sale and address to get through the gate.
Please no children and no strollers. Thank you.
All sales are final and all large purchases must be removed by you by the end of day of purchase.
Parking on street only. Thanks
Huge moving sale. Tons of stuff. From Christmas to Thanksgiving to tools to lawn equipment to cleaning supplies to clothing to knick knacks. Everything must go! In air conditioned garage! Mini thrift store. Every weekend in February. New things added daily. Rain or shine. Indoors. If you’re interested in coming during the week, anytime between 9am-1pm, shoot me a text @ 407-820-4283 and we’ll open up for you. Don’t call, text. I don’t answer unrecognized numbers. 7613 Avonwood Ct. Orlando, FL 32810 – Off Maitland I-4 exit.
875 E Ashby Pl
San Antonio, TX 78212
Estate Sale this weekend @ 1805 Francis Rd Knoxville, Tn 37909 Friday and Sat 10 till 5. Household items, toys, Christmas stuff, some furniture and more.
14 k white gold wedding set size 6 and a half 7 diamonds paid 1500 asking 45000 firm lowered price already must be cash must see 8056236151 and I can’t send you picture in text I also have it on face book
Mega Moving Sale!! Furniture, household items….lots and lots, everything goes! Come by: 7324 Raleigh Way, Bethlehem, GA 30620. Taking Visa, MC, AmX, and Discover!! July 20 and 21, 2018…Friday and Saturday
14590 HOPI RD
Having a moving sale all week starting june 26 all week or until gone. 347 liberty Hutchinson ks
Oops! forgot my address: 2356 Brookstone lane in Waukesha, Wisconsin
garage/estate sale. Make an offer. Thursday, June 28 – Saturday, June 30. 8-2
Yard sale
Washington, DC
3209 central ave, NE
book cases, antiques, collectibles, house hold goods and so much more
Garage Sale Today 5500 block of Luna Chicago IL
Tools plumbing /electric / electric hospital bed / misc furniture / yard equipment
Gigantic Garage & Yard Sale at:
2748 Sunset Strip Drive, Glenn Heights, TX 75154 !
*Thursday & Friday (May 24th-May 25th) 8 AM-2PM and…
*Saturday (May 26th) 8AM-3PM
Don’t miss this sale! We’ll see you there!
Rain or shine! JUNE 2ND URBANDALE GARAGE SALE. ADDRESS 6709 PRAIRIE AVE, URBANDALE, IOWA 50322. Shoes, clothes, baby clothes, tools and household items and more! Please No early birds!
Address 15 Goshawk rd New Germany
off Otto Volek rd
cell 0832298133
ALL KINDS OF AWESOME!!! garage sale near downtown, santa fe nm
Vintage Sale Saturday May 12, 2018. Many items only $1.00!
teach me how to post for garage sale
Friday, September 29th-Sunday, October 1st.
3 Wychview Avenue, Westfield (off of Broad Ave.
3 households of stuff. Furniture, designer clothes / hand bags, dishes, shoes, beach house stuff, house hold, sports stuff, pillows, small appliances, and much more.
Something for Everyone!
How do I place an ad for a garage sale that I am having?
BIG MOVING SALE!! 14407 Dark Star, SAT 78248 in Churchill Estates, Saturday, August 19, 2017, 8 AM – 4 PM
Sofas, love seats, dishes, entertainment center, outdoor table & chairs, picture frames, wall decor, pots & pans. LOTS more!
HUGE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE! Almost 3 Dozen home confirmed. Sat Aug 19 from 9-5 and Sun. Aug 20. from 10-4. Welcome Table with participant Maps at 5349 Garbo Lane, Hanover Park, IL
The google map for Rochester is wrong. It shows 187th & 185th near the Regional fire hall as the same st – WRONG – it is all 187th Ave SW and Apricot goes allt he way thru from Sargeant to 183rd…no wonder people can’t find what theya re looking for!
Multifamily garage sale in Marion, TX. August 4-6 at 8am to noon. We have tons of kids clothes, furniture, bathroom fixtures, working fridge, and more.
G-Sale 7-22-17
Huge, multi family sale. Antiques, collectables, household items, children clothing, furniture, china, etc… This is down Main St in Troutman across the street from the Kangaroo Station. Address is 154 N. Eastway Dr. Troutman. (Road runs parallel to Main St.)
Going rain or shine. Don’t miss this one! From 8AM to whenever PLEASE NO EARLY BIRDS.
Huge, multi family sale. Antiques, collectables, household items, children clothing, furniture, china, etc… This is down Main St in Troutman across the street from the Kangaroo Station. Address is 154 N. Eastway Dr. Troutman. (Road runs parallel to Main St.)
Going rain or shine. Don’t miss this one! From 8AM to whenever PLEASE NO EARLY BIRDS.
Garage sales for 7-17-17
GARAGE SALE July 14 and 15 9am-3pm.
6175 E W Ave Vicksburg,Mi 49097
Garage Sale! RAIN or SHINE. Sat. JUNE 24TH – Kitchen, bath and household goods; men’s work jeans, clothing, shoes and other knick-knacks. Some items NEW. 9am until 4pm – NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE!
From I30 take Vimy Ridge Rd to County Ln Rd; continue about 1/4 mile past Dollar General stop sign; Right onto Katy Ln – we’re at end of cu-de-sac.
1029 Katy Lane – Alexander, AR 72002
(sometimes comes up as Shannon Hills on GPS)
Garage sale 442 millers lane june24. 9/3 15239
Any children’s bikes?
GARAGE SALE Friday’s me Saturday June 2-3! 690 Church Street Landisville 8-4
Lots of good condition scrubs, clothes, shoes and household items!