Physical Therapy Near Me
Whether you’re recovering from a sports related injury or an accident, physical therapy can help restore full mobility to your body while building strength and confidence. People seek out the help of a physical therapist for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s as simple as regaining strength in the joints and muscles, other times its to help rehabilitate after an injury.
Are you interested in finding a physical therapist near you? Simply browse physical therapy near me on the map below and find a list of physical therapists in your area. Need a bit more information on physical therapy. Read on for facts, trivia, and more! You might just learn something new before your next physical therapy visit.
Physical Therapy Near Me – Find it on the Map
Physical Therapy Near Me – Physical Therapy Trivia
True or false: Historically speaking, there are more female physical therapists than male.
In most other medical professions, males dominate the field and always have. Interestingly enough, in the field of physical therapy, women have always outnumbered men. Consider this as you search physical therapy near me. Unlike most professions in the US and abroad, a majority of physical therapists have always been women. In fact, the very first president of the American Physical Therapy association was a woman by the name of Mary McMillan. Physical therapy first grew in demand in the 1960s and 1970s. During this time period, many schools actually had trouble graduating physical therapists fast enough in order to meet the demand. This is why the role of physical therapy assistant was created, to help ease the burden on actual physical therapists.

Physical therapy can help you heal from an injury and help prevent future injuries.
What are some of the types of physical therapy?
While most physical rehabilitation practices fall under the broad umbrella of physical therapy there are actually many broad fields that include a wide range of therapies. Some of the common types of physical therapy you’ll find while searching physical therapy near me are: orthopedic, postoperative care, cardiovascular, neurological rehabilitation, and pulmonary rehab. The type of rehabilitation and therapy you receive is entirely dependent on your exact issues. If you’re recovering from a heart attack or stroke, you may need to receive cardiovascular rehabilitation. If you’re looking to regain strength after a rigorous surgery, post operative care is most likely the right therapy for you.
Where will you find a physical therapist?
While there are stand alone physical therapy offices, there is no shortage of locations in which you can find a physical therapist. As you search physical therapy near me, consider all of the places which employ physical therapists. Physical therapists don’t just work in physical therapy centers, they work in outpatient clinics, private clinics, hospitals, schools, and even emergency rooms. In fact, one of the best things about becoming a physical therapist is having the ability to work in a variety of different environments.
Physical Therapy Near Me – Physical Therapy Facts
Save Money and Time
Many people choose to see a physical therapist after a surgical procedure, but research suggests that physical therapy might help those at risk avoid surgery altogether. Consider this as you search physical therapy near me. Surgery can be a very expensive and frustrating experience. It can take a long time to recover from most surgeries, which means missed work and an interruption to your daily way of life. No one wants to have surgery, but sometimes it seems like the only option in relieving a patient’s pain. New research suggests that surgery isn’t always the only option and in many cases it’s not even the best option. Mounting evidence shows that in some cases physical therapy is as effective as many surgical treatments for hip, back, shoulder, and knee pain. It might seem unbelievable, but the proof is in the mobility that has been restored to thousands of individuals who once faced incredible pain. Not only can physical therapy save at risk patients from enduring unnecessary surgery but it is often more cost effective than surgery and diagnostic tools used before surgery to take a look at painful areas. Even if surgery turns out to be the best option in the long run, a well trained physical therapist can help to heal you and guide you back to your old self in no time.
Avoid Injury While Working Out
Physical therapy isn’t just for those in pain or looking for rehabilitation services, it is also a great tool for athletes and those who are keen on working out or spending a lot of time doing active things. Our bodies already have an impressive ability to heal from injury, but that doesn’t mean you should make yourself susceptible to harm. Rather than sustaining an injury and then going through the process of healing, visit a physical therapist while in your peak state. A trained physical therapist can help you with overall mobility in addition to identifying stress points. By knowing how to heal yourself and avoid injury, you’re not only saving yourself from pain, you’re saving yourself from costly surgeries an expensive fixes. As you search physical therapy near me, consider all of the great advantages of physical therapy.
Can’t afford physical therapy thru insurance is $40.00 per visit they want 12 visits so it’s not going to happen at all thru United health care/ medicare in Douglasville GA 30135
Same here! Florida United health care is $50 per visit with 12 visits! They will pay for inpatient physical therapy from what I understand.
Why isn’t Physical Therapy in Vonore on Rt. 411 listed?
my doctor has ordered physical therapy for my pain