Cord Blood Banking Near Me
The cord blood of your baby serves as an abundant source of stem cells that are genetically related to your little one. Stem cells contribute to the development of all tissues, organs, and systems in the body. Having your baby’s cord blood stored is a way of potentially treating issues in the future that may require stem cells. For example, something like leukemia that requires a stem cell transplant can be treated using banked cord blood. To store your baby’s cord blood, you’ll first need to find a cord blood bank.
Start your search by browsing cord blood banking near me on the map below. You’ll find a list of reputable and highly rated cord blood banking facilities. Of course, you’ll need a bit more information on cord blood banking before making the right choice. Keep reading for facts, trivia, and tips on cord blood banking.
Cord Blood Banking Near Me – Find it on the Map
Cord Blood Banking Near Me – Cord Blood Banking Trivia
What is cord blood?
When a woman is pregnant, the umbilical cord forms and connects a developing fetus to the nourishing placenta. The placenta itself is an organ within the pregnant woman’s womb. It serves to provide nutrients and vital oxygen to a growing baby. It also removes any waste products from the baby’s blood. Without question, the cord is the life source of the fetus and the living connection between mother and baby. The cord contains blood vessels that carry oxygen and valuable blood to the baby and then takes blood with waste away from the baby. Within cord blood are stem cells.
These stem cells are able to transform into other types of cells in the body to promote new growth and development. They are also the most important building blocks of the immune system. The amazing transformation of these cells can allow doctors to treat inherited health disorders, leukemia, and so much more. While searching cord blood banking near me, know that you’re basically taking out an insurance policy for your baby’s long term health and well being.
True or false: Cord blood collection is very painful.
This is a statement that is absolutely false. Here’s why: the cord blood collection process is safe, simple, and painless. Compared to other types of collections it is a total walk in the park for the patient. In fact, the process itself generally doesn’t take any longer than five minutes. Of course, many pregnant mothers worry about is whether or not the ability to collect cord blood has anything to do with method of delivery. The good news is that delivery methods have no impact on your ability to collect cord blood.
Both natural births and c-sections give doctors the opportunity to collect cord blood after the birth. Collecting cord blood will also not impact the birth in any way. Cord blood is collected in two ways: the syringe method or the bag method. With the syringe method, a needle is used to draw blood from the umbilical cord shortly after it has been cut. With the bag method, the umbilical cord is elevated in order to drain the blood into a bag. Whatever choice you make while searching cord blood banking near me is entirely up to you. There are no wrong answers when it comes to protecting your baby.
Cord Blood Banking Near Me – Cord Blood Banking Facts
How is cord blood stored?
While searching cord blood banking near me you’ll find that there are two distinct ways in which cord blood is stored: private banks and public banks. What’s the difference between the two and which one is best for your cord blood?
Public banks process and store umbilical cord blood donations for public use or for research by the medical community. Once the blood is donated, it will not likely be available for private use by your child. Instead, the blood will immediately go towards research. In this way, your child’s cord blood could potentially help to save the life of someone else. One of the major upsides of using a public bank is that there are no storage fees. The downside is that you cannot access the blood for private use. Donating to a public bank is an act of selflessness to help other people.
Private banks are the exact opposite. At a private bank, you store your baby’s cord blood for personal use by the family. Anyone who is a genetic match can use the blood should they come down with an illness that calls for stem cells. Many look at using a private bank as a certain type of insurance on their future health and the health of their child. Unfortunately, the cost of long-term storage at a cord bank can be quite high. This puts it out of reach for people who are at an economic disadvantage.
As you search cord blood banking near me, know that there is no right or wrong decision, only the decision that is best for you and your family. If you have the means and would like the peace of mind storing privately can bring, than that is the right choice for you. If you can’t afford high fees, donation is an admirable and selfless task that may help to save the life of someone else.
How much does cord blood banking cost?
If you do decide to go with a private cord bank, how much can you expect to pay? Well, depending on the term of storage, you will initially pay somewhere between $900 and $2100 just to have the bank store your cord blood. Every year, you will also have to pay another storage fee. This fee can be anywhere from $100 to $1000, depending on the bank itself. Remember while searching cord blood banking near me, that the only right choice is the one that best suits your unique family needs.